Warning: Your Astrology or Numerology Readings May Be Leading You In The WRONG DIRECTION...
Only 11 People Will Get A LIVE Reading & Prediction of Their Future with Ric & Liz’s Personal Astrologer This Month...Here’s Why.
Discover The ONE SECRET That Every Astrological Reading, Numerology Report, and Destiny Prediction Is Always Missing When They “Read” Your Charts...
..And How YOU Could Be One Of Just 11 People Chosen To Have Your
Complete Destiny Atlas Created For You This Month!
[#today : {medium}]
From The Desk Of:
Front Office, 
Galaxy Nine, 
3 Light Years From Andromeda

Re: The Only Accurate Way To Find Out What Your Life Has In Store This Year!

Dear Friend,

For years, humans have been consulting “experts” in the fields of Astrology, Numerology, and the other metaphysical sciences to try to get an accurate picture of what lies ahead for them...so they can discover and meet their Destiny with foreknowledge and confidence.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. (As the Cosmos, I fully believe in having as much Knowledge at your disposal as possible before making big decisions!)...BUT. 
Believe it or not, every reading you’ve ever had done to this date is (most likely) missing something very important.
Why is this?

Here’s the problem.

Whether it’s in the field of Astrology...Numerology...Psychology...or Tarot…every reading you have done is only one small part of the picture or “map” of your life!

Think about it... at this point in human history, how many different schools of thought and systems are there for determining your life’s path? Well…

There's Western Astrology...Vedic Astrology from India...the Chinese Zodiac Astrology...Modern Numerology...the older Chaldean Numerology...Mayan Astrology...and all the different versions of Tarot - just to name a few, right?

And each of these systems come from a different part of the world!

For example Mayan Astrology comes from South America, the Chinese Zodiac comes from the Asian continent, Vedic Astrology the Indian sub-continent, and so on...

You get the picture. None of these systems gives you an understanding of the whole world, OR the whole picture of your life’s path…

They simply highlight the aspects of your being and destiny that are important viewed from that culture or methodology.

It’s as if you’ve been given several different “maps” of your life...and each one has a slightly different message for you on it…

...leading to confusion, missing connections, and missed opportunities. With so many different paths to decipher, how can you possibly find your way to your true destiny?

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if someone would just go through and take everything from the different systems and make it into one, single, clear map or “Atlas” of your entire life, all drawn out in one place, for you to read and follow?
Unfortunately, up to now, one single cohesive map of your Destiny that takes everything, from all different parts of the world, into consideration...simply hasn’t been available.
No wonder your predictions haven’t been quite “hitting the mark”...
Including missing some important details about:
  • Who your soulmate really is... and how to find lasting, true love
  • What the most fulfilling work will be for you (honoring your purpose in life)
  • Where you should focus in order to find the money you should have by now
  • ​What you need to watch out for and avoid in the next 30 days
This all comes to a screeching halt now. Because we have discovered the only person in the world who knows how to solve this problem today:
Introducing Michael, Your Personal Life Path
Reader And Creator Of Your Destiny Atlas
Meet Michael: Master Humanistic Astrologer, Chaldean Numerologist, and certified Life Coach.
During your private, one-on-one session, Michael will consult your Cosmic Destiny Atlas of charts and numbers to develop a holistic view of where you are on your journey and how you can create the life you've always dreamed of.

Not only is he a master of the disciplines above, but he's also versed in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Chinese Astrology, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Mayan Astrology, Birth Order Psychology, Modern Numerology and Tarot.

As a metaphysical expert, Michael is uniquely qualified to interpret the signs and act as your "Astral Advisor" during the next phase of your life (which, I probably don’t need to tell you, begins TODAY!).

In addition…

Once Michael has talked with you in person to find out everything that is going on with you right now, he will outline and create your complete Destiny Atlas…
Detailing where you are at in life right now, the next steps you should consider in the next few weeks, and then the overall “arc” of where you are headed in life…

As well as what opportunities to go toward, and what pitfalls to avoid in order to find and embrace your ultimate life’s path.

Like I said, this is not something that your ordinary Astrological advisor or Numerologist can achieve - simply because they have not had the far-reaching, cross-discipline teaching that Michael has had.  
Discover what you’ve been longing to hear about your future all these years...

Find the perfect life path based on all the world’s most important systems of prediction and alignment!

Enjoy the joy and fulfillment of finally connecting with your true Soul Mate and lover for life

Experience the thrill and excitement of knowing your “true calling” and life’s path starting today...

And have that attractive, “shining” confidence of someone who knows exactly who they are and where they’re going!
We Can Only Offer 11 Readings At This Low Price
I’m saying this to you from the heart: I don’t want you to miss out on getting your True Reading and Destiny Atlas created for you today. But let’s face it, if you leave you may never find your way back here, and even if you do the price may have changed by that time. Here’s why...

There are an extremely limited number of spots available for private readings by Michael this month, and if you want a place on his calendar you must order TODAY to secure your personal session at one of the affordable price points below...

So, if you click the button below today, I can guarantee you one of the special discount prices listed below.

I’m afraid I simply can’t make that promise tomorrow however, because I must close the doors after his current opening of 11 spots are filled (I promised Michael I would do this so we don’t overwhelm his schedue).
YES! Sign Me Up For My Private Destiny Atlas
Reading NOW At The Level I Choose Below...

Destiny Atlas Introduction

Perfect for beginners and people new to readings (or if you're just super busy!) , your 45 minute one-on-one session directly with Michael will cover all the critical aspects to get you clear on your soul's destiny and the path you should take moving forward from here.
Only $97

Full Destiny Atlas Reading

Your full intuitive experience all starts with your one-on-one session directly with Michael. In 90 minutes, he'll  not only cover what you need to know in your life right now, but also discuss with you your concerns and answer your questions on anything that you're wondering about or bothered by.
Only $197

Destiny Atlas Deep Dive

Your Deep Dive starts with your one-on-one session directly with Michael. In 90 minutes, he'll cover what you need to know, answer all your questions AND provide you with specific helpful tools customized for you (based on what's covered in your Session) to help you move forward - tools he's gathered and produced from years of experience to take your reading from an experience to a transformation!
$249 Only $197
“I understand that whichever option I choose, Michael will agree to a one-on-one private interview with me, and use our session and his deep knowledge of predictive systems from all over the world to create a complete Destiny Atlas Reading for me to follow in the days, weeks, and months ahead…
I also understand that if I choose the “Deep Dive” option on the far right, I will ALSO receive several customized tools to help me follow my predictions, and a Zodiac Crystal Connection Pendant specific to my birthdate will be shipped directly to my home, free of charge!”


Whichever option you choose, I can’t wait to see what revelations Michael will be able to reveal about your life for you...just from one, personal, one-on-one session.

OH - and I’m sure you know this… but in order for Michael to make an accurate prediction and sketch out your Life Path in the Destiny Atlas with full confidence, you must be absolutely honest with him about where you are at in your life right now…

You can feel free to tell him absolutely anything about your hopes, dreams, and current challenges, and he will listen closely, take everything you say to heart, and make you a Map of your Life and Destiny that will serve you for years and years to come! <3
With So Much Love,
P.S. And in case you’re wondering, YES Michael has done many, many  Destiny Atlas Readings before now...here’s just a small sample of what those who have already experienced this process have to say about his work:
"I never had such an amazing talk with someone. Michael us able to understand and lead you to your true self. He goes above and beyond and shares not only what he finds, but where you can seek out more answers. His open mind allows you to be truly heard no matter what the question is."
~ Katie
"I just wnat to say thank you again for the very wonderful and insightful reading! I'm happy to say that I don't fear the future anymore like I had prior to the reading - I'm excited for it! Thank you so much!"
~ Annika
"Michael O’Connor’s readings are incredible. He has a natural talent and aptitude for reading astrological charts with a fine tuned accuracy, coupled with a deep well spring of experience. He also has the ability to uncannily see into your life, or lives and read the patterns and images received, and express them in an easily understood and relatable way. It’s seems he has a number of intuitive gifts that he uses synergistically to help individuals unravel the events and components of their lives so as to better understand themselves and their unique place in the world. It is a truly magical experience to have Michael as a vibrant translator to read these templates of the soul. Thank you so much Michael!"
~ Lisa D.
"I am so thankful for Michael’s readings! He is very skilled at reading the intricacies within your birthchart and has a keen intuitive sense coupled with years of study and garnering vast knowledge! His advice has been timely and very helpful 🙂 I highly recommend him to my friends and network often"
~ Alara
"Michael’s readings are always startlingly accurate! I find his guidance to be very clear and empowering … and I always come away from a reading feeling uplifted and inspired to move forward through my life with passion and purpose. I can most highly recommend him!"
~ Kay
"Michael, My session with you really helped provide clarity and direction at a time when I really need it. Thank you so much for everything. "
~ Eric
Remember, there are only 11 spots left as of this posting...and for all I know, they MAY be actually taken already. If you click on the “Add To Cart” buttons below, and get a message that this offer is no longer available, you will know you waited just a bit too long! :-)

However...there’s always a chance. So, I highly suggest you choose the package of your choice below NOW, before it’s too late, and reserve your Private Destiny Atlas Reading with Michael today:

Destiny Atlas Introduction

Perfect for beginners and people new to readings (or if you're just super busy!) , your 45 minute one-on-one session directly with Michael will cover all the critical aspects to get you clear on your soul's destiny and the path you should take moving forward from here.
Only $97

Full Destiny Atlas Reading

Your full intuitive experience all starts with your one-on-one session directly with Michael. In 90 minutes, he'll  not only cover what you need to know in your life right now, but also discuss with you your concerns and answer your questions on anything that you're wondering about or bothered by.
Only $197

Destiny Atlas Deep Dive

Your Deep Dive starts with your one-on-one session directly with Michael. In 90 minutes, he'll cover what you need to know, answer all your questions AND provide you with specific helpful tools customized for you (based on what's covered in your Session) to help you move forward - tools he's gathered and produced from years of experience to take your reading from an experience to a transformation!
$249 Only $197
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